It's a small region indeed - but what a history it has, what nature and architectural treasures! The region is a champion for castles and old ruins - there are more than 30 fortress here.
The characteristic sign of nature of Ternopillia is its variety: one can find a green valleys in the central part of the region, deep river canyons in the southern part and Kremenets sublimity on the north of this district. The Tovtry chine (Medobory) crosses Ternopil region from the north-west to the south-east.
Region's area is 13.8 thousand square km that makes 2.3% of the Ukrainian territories. It stretches from the north to south upon 195 km and from the west to east upon 129 km.
The length of automobile roads with hard cover makes up 5.2 thousand sq. km, density - 377,2 km per 1000 sq. km (in Ukraine - 247 km).