Plotycha is a big village to the north from Ternopil on the left bank of river Seret, on the way to Chystyliv. The first historical record about the settlement dates back to the first part of the sixteenth century, although remains of Paleolithic site not far from Plotycha (40-20000 years B.C.) may greatly adjust the date.
Aside the main road in an overgrown old park there is a regional tuberculosis hospital, which was a count’s palace from 1720 till WWII. There is no much information about the owners. It is only known that the last one, count Korostocki, ambassador of an Austrian Parliament, left the hearth with the first war shoots in 1914.
Near the estate, there is situated the church of Assumption of Blessed Virgin dated from 1900. Here an early printed book is kept, the Gospel of 1690, which was printed in Lviv Stavropihiyske Brotherhood. Nearby the temple entrance one can see a memorable sign from 1808, however with illegible text on it.