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Zakarpatska Region
The Carpathians in winter
The Carpathians in winter

One of the must-sees in Ukraine is Zakarpatska Oblast (Transcarpathian region). It's a small (4,981 sq mil or 12,901 sq km) but very interesting region of the country which is located on the southwestern slopes of the Carpathian Mountains. The biggest towns of the region are Uzhhorod (the capital), Mukacheve and Khust. Everyone of them can boast an ancient castle on the hill and many old and new churches.

The EU is just in neighbouehood from here: Transcarpathian regions borders with Romania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The oblast is thickly forested and largely agricultural. The plain in the southwest, which is drained by the Tisza River and its tributaries, supports crops of wheat, corn, tobacco, sugar beets, and potatoes. There are vineyards, fruit orchards, and walnut groves in the foothills. The mineral resources include brown coal, rock salt, fire clays, marble, and limestone. Forests occupy nearly half the area of the oblast, and lumbering, along with the production of such items as wood chemicals, furniture, and cartons, is a leading industry. The majority of the population is Ukrainian, with Hungarian, Russian, Slovak, and Rusyn minorities.

Tourism is being actively developing here. The places to see are castles (Seredne, Khust, Mukacheve, Uzhgorod, Nevytske, Chynadieve, Koroleve, Vynogradiv, Dovge), wooden churches in numerous villages, palaces (Vynogradiv, Mukacheve, Chynadieve), The National Nature park Synevyr, the unique duffodiles valley near Khust.




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