Tourists' paradise back from the USSR times. Beautiful palaces and churches, magnificent nature - and not-so-good service.
It's the southernmost part of Ukraine. It's peninsula that dives into the Black Sea. It's a country in the country - wiht its own goverment, parliament and big sentiment to Russia. Only a narrow strip of land at Perekop connects the Crimea with Ukraine. In spite of the fact that dry steppes cover more than two-thirds of the peninsula, most tourists know the other Crimea: with mountainns and see, with palms and old tsar's residences.
The Crimean mountains irise up to 1,500 m. (5,000 ft.). They protect the southern part of the peninsula from cold winds and... umhhh... NATO. Hehe. The Arabat Spit, which is a sand bar (110 km long) that extends northeast from the Kerch peninsula, separates the marshy Sivash Sea from the Sea of Azov.
The Crimea covers an area of 27,000 square kilometers