Translated by Dictum Factum (Kyiv)
The Complex of former Bernardine kostel in the city of Lviv (now it is the St. Andrey's church) - one of the most favourite places in the city. And in a cafe “Bernardine enclosure” Igor Foma and I once had a tasty grilled cheese. It is nicely here.
In the beginning of ХХ century the square, on which the monastery is situated (now its address is: 3а, 3, Sobornaya square), had the name “the Bernardine”. Times have changed, but the work of architect Paolo Domіnіcі Romanus (Paul Rimljanin) continues to be pleasant to the eye of inhabitants of Lviv and the tourists.
The kostel-basilica of Italian (with a touch of German culture) Renaissance was being built from 1600 till 1630 on a place of its wooden forerunner of XV century. The matter, begun by Paolo Domіnіcі Romanus, was continued by architect A.Prihilnij and also by monk-builder, Bernard Avelides. It is clear, that Bernard was counted among the Bernardines. Possibly, because of that fact, that the building had several "parents", it represents the magnificent example of styles mixing: a severe bottom of ascetic Paolo Domіnіcі Romanus's traditions along with gorgeous ornamentation of the top of building in mannerism style. Similar elements we can find in architecture of Northern Europe of that days.
Look closely at a facade - and you’ll see statues of sacred persons of Bernardines Order, and in niches of the second circle you’ll see effigy of a Virgin Mary and of apostles Sts. Peter and St. Andrew.