The Museum of Pysanka in Kolomyia was found in 1987 as a brunch of local Rev. Yosafat Kobrynskyi Museum of Hutsul and Pokuttia Folk Art. Lubomyr Krechkovski, one of the employee of the museum, had a dream to create a special place for the greater glory of pysankas, Ukrainian Easter eggs, decorated using a wax-resist (batik) method.
Maria Boledziuk invited the method of restavration and preserving pysankas, which helped a lot.
The brand-new museum was opened in the Annunciation church (1587) till 1989. Ten years museums worked on Shukhevych street. And in 2000 for the 10th International Hutsul Festival, there was a new interesting building constructed (architect Ihor Shuman). Now its the one and only separate Pysanka museum in the world. The funds of museum have an abundant collection of pysanky, over 12,000 examples of this unique art, from every region of Ukraine and abroad.
A separate exhibit presents the pysanky of the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States, Canada, Australia. The purpose of the exhibit is to show the best of pysankas as they are written around the world.
Telephone: (380 3433) 23912
Pysanka Museum
prospekt Vidrozhennia 43B
78200 Kolomyia
Ivano-Frankivska Oblast