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Pearls of Khmelnytskyi Region
Starokostiantyniv's castle. The palace in Maliivtsi. Bakota.
Starokostiantyniv's castle.
The palace in Maliivtsi.
The palace in Maliivtsi.

The grandeur of fortresses and the history of Kamyanets hide other treasures which are not so well-known, but also deserve attention.


In Starokostiantyniv there are many interesting sightseeing places even for experienced tourists. We should mention Oboronna (Defense) Tower (16th-17th centuries). In Soviet times its first tier was occupied by policemen who opened a shooting range here. On the bank of the Sluch River is the highlight of the town, the castle of the Ostrozki princes (1561-1571). At Town Beach, near the walls of the castle, one can swim and enjoy the picturesque view of the fortress on the opposite bank.


Tourists go to Bakota village in the Kamyanets-Podilskyi region in order to see the thousand year-old St. Michael’s Cave Monastery and imagine how monks lived in these caves-cells on the 120 metre-high White Rock, and also to see the picturesque Dnister River cliffs, natural mineral water springs and manicured beaches, and to swim in the clear warm water of the Dnister. It is a real paradise for travelers with tents!


And a beautiful 18th century landscaped park still remains in the village of Maliivtsi in the Dunaievetskyi region. Here there is a palace built in 1788 in the style of Louis XVI for the Orlovski magnates. Maliivtsi Park is also the part of “Podilski Tovtry” National Wildlife Preserve.

You can listen to tales of the history and architectural monuments of this region for a long time, but it is better to just start with an adventurous trip to the wonderful Khmelnytskyi Region with a backpack and friends!


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