The city, then called Ltava, is mentioned for the first time in sources dating from 1173. However, the capital of the Poltava region turned out to be older than thought: during excavations performed in the historic centre of Poltava, scientists unearthed areas of urban development, based on which they determined the date of foundation of the city around year 889.
It is worth to visit Poltava in order to understand the charm of Ukraine. Poltava is cozy and historic, modern and very homely. It is mandatory to walk through Spaska Street, where the Art museum (11 Spaska Street) and one of the oldest churches of the city, the Spaskyi Cathedral from the 17th century, are located. Only the wooden narthex, where Peter the First prayed before the Poltava battle, remains from the original building. One more obligatory sightseeing tour is the Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy (2, Konstytutsii Street.). This masterpiece of Ukrainian modern appeared in 1903-1908.
The highlight of Poltava is the Korpuse garden, surrounded by buildings from 1805-1811. In its centre, there is monument to Glory with a gilded eagle erected in honour of the 10th anniversary of the defeat of Swedish troops near Poltava in 1709. The base of the pedestal embeds eighteen enemy cannons captured at the Poltava battle.
Ivanova Hill is a holy place for Poltava. People come here in order to bow in deep respect to ancestors who founded Ltava city in this area. They say that this is the place where Poltava speaks with God. This location is now called Sobornyi Square. The restored Assumption Cathedral from the end of the 18th century is located here, and the house-museum of the genius author of the poem Eneida and Natalka-Poltavka play, the Ukrainian Rabelais: Ivan Kotliarevsky, is also located nearby. In addition, a monument to Ukrainian dainty halushka (dumpling), built in 2006, beacons from Ivanova Hill.