It took Khmelnytskyi a long time to prove that it deserved region status. The market known in Ukraine and abroad helped accomplish this. The city of Khmelnytskyi, with neither architectural monuments nor a developed industry, decided to stake on trade and won! It is hard to find another region that has flourished so much within the last decade. Hotels, cafes and restaurants for any taste are here. In addition, there is the Theatre of Music and Drama (60 Soborna Str.), the Puppet Theatre (46, Proskurivska Str.) and the Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy (68 Hrushevskogo Str.).
It is a pity, but the majority of the city’s old monuments were destroyed by fire in 1822. Khmelnytskyi’s oldest remaining building is a church built in 1837. But in the suburban village of Ruzhychanka, archaeologists have found a Trypillian culture settlement, and in a suburb of Lezneve (microdistrict of Khmelnytskyi), household goods from the mid-13th century.
The region centre is a great city to begin one's trip from: Khmelnytskyi has a convenient railway communication with European capitals such as Moscow, Minsk, Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw, Budapest and Belgrade.