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Halych castle. The ancient church. The monument to Prince Danylo of Halych
Halych castle.
The ancient church.
The monument to Prince Danylo of Halych

The Cradle of Halychyna

Halych castle in the beginning of 20th c.

Ancient Halych witnessed the reign of Princes Ivan Vasylkovych, Yaroslav Osmomysl, Roman Mstyslavovych and, of course, Danylo Romanovych, Danylo of Halych, when the people uoheld the independence of the Halytsko-Volynian principality, which served as the south-west gate to the state of Old Rus. The Batu-Khan invasion, prolonged period under Polish kings, raids by Turks and the Golden Horde exhausted the former capital of the Old Rus. Now it's just a small town at the Dnister banks. But Halych remembers that it was him who gave its name to the historic province and kingdom of Halychyna (Galicia), of which it was the capital until the early 14th century, when the seat of the local princes was moved to Lviv. In 1340-1772, the province comprised the Ruthenian Voivodeship.


Today Halych is an administrative center of the Halytsky Raion (district) of Ivano-Frankivsk Region. It lies 26 km north of the region capital, Ivano-Frankivsk. Halych's population is estimated at 4,600.

Local legend says that the name "Halych" comes from a legendary "Prince Halychyna", the first ruler of these lands. In fact, a kurgan (tomb hill) referred to by locals as "Halychyna's tomb," excavated in 1996, contained a ritual cremation site and a bronze weapon and gold disc that could have belonged to a noble leader.

One of the main historical monument in the town is the church dedicated to the Nativity of Mary. Originally built at the turn of the 14th and 15th century, it was restored in 1825. Also of interest is an equestrian monument to Danylo of Halych, opened in 2003 to mark the 750th anniversary of that prince's coronation as the king of Ruthenia.

Starostynsky castle

Castle in the beginning of 20th c. The castle tower and st. Katherine chapel - the project of restavration. Castle in October-2000. Castle in October-2006.
Castle in the beginning of 20th c.
The castle tower and st. Katherine chapel after the restavration.
Castle in October-2000.
Castle in October-2006.

The ruins of the castle stand on a steep mountain over the Dnister river. The fortress was triangular in plan with 5 towers and 3 gates. There are many dungeons and cellars in the ruins. The history of this fortress is a long history of destroys and reconstructions.

The fortifications on this place existed in XI c., but were destroyed by the army of Batu-Khan. The castle was rebuild in 1367 - it was still stone and wooden small fortress. A stone stronghold were built in 17th century.



The Church of Nativity of Mary

The Church of Nativity of Mary
The Church of Nativity of Mary
The Church of Nativity of Mary
The Church of Nativity of Mary
The Church of Nativity of Mary
The Church of Nativity of Mary

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