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Borschiv (Borszczow)
Ruthenian House (1905). The Borschiv museum is situated in this buildings.
Ruthenian House (1905)



A town in south-west part of the Ternopil region; 105 km from a regional center.


The first mention in annals: 1456

 In 1629 the town was given the Magdeburg Right.

Population:  11 300 people (2004)

Telephone code: 035 41

A Coat of Arms represented a slit with argent and gules stripes shield and a sheaf of wheat in it.


Borschiv can not boast of especially interesting sights. In this town (it got the Magdeburg right in 1629) tourists can visit only a Catholic church (XVIII), the bell tower of which was built from a former castle tower (the castle itself was not saved) and the «Ruthenian house» (1908) where now a regional museum and museum of Taras Shevchenko, the greatest Ukrainian poet (Shevchenko st., 9, tel. 2-16-92).

 But Borschiv district is the richest on historical sights piece of Ternopil region. One can find here six castles: in Skala-Podil'ska, Kudrintsy, Vysichka, Okopy, Kryvche, Ozeryany. There is the oldest stone <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />temple of Ternopil region  — st. Nickola’s church in the village of Zbruchanske (XIV).

A district is also a leader on the amount of monuments of nature (from 295 such places in the region 72 are located near Borschiv). There are many karst caves here: «Crystal» in the village of Kryvche, for tourists, and some other for experienced speleologists:«Blue Lakes» in Strilkivtsi, «Verteba» near-by Bilche-Zolote, «Anniversary» (village of Sapohiv).


In town museum
In town museum
In Borschiv town museum
City council
City council
Greek-Catholic church
Roman-Catholic church in the past
A. Mickewicz's monument
A. Mickewicz's monument
Тютюнова фабрика у 1900 році.

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